[about] so why does this exist :3

for new year's 2023, my resolution was basically to start reading for pleasure again. and I succeeded!!!

an issue now that I'm reading again however... I don't have anybody to talk to about my takeaways on these books!! and I seem to forget an AWFUL LOT before I even finish most of my books.

so I wanted to compile a little book log (which could be abbreviated as... blog? oh wow) which I could use to record my own takeaways in a way where I could get a little silly with it. this is also an opportunity to hone my analytic chops and engage with what I'm reading more actively.

hence, this site. yes I could post it on normal social media but honestly I hate that. I want this to be accessible for others but not that accessible. and also not that ephemeral either, depending on the socmed!! but I don't wanna talk about thaaaat--

I probably won't be writing these for every book I read, but I will write them for SOME books. we'll wait and see.